ANTERION is a multimodal German-made imaging platform that is best for the front part of the eye.ANTERION® uses the power of high-resolution swept-source OCT pictures to do the most important tests and measures of the anterior section on a flexible base that can be upgraded.
The result is a workflow-efficient solution combining corneal topography and tomography, biometry measures, and IOL calculation into a single tool. This is a game changer from how cataract and refractive surgery, cornea and glaucoma tests are done daily.
ANTERION gives high-quality pictures and thorough measures while reducing the time needed for multiple anterior segment exams. The process is swift, and the patient doesn’t have to move. At the same time, high-resolution swept-source OCT pictures provide diagnosis trust by letting you see that all measures are correct.
ANTERION is based on the Imaging App, which gives a high-resolution view of the entire anterior section. It adapts to different clinical needs with three alternative apps:
Cornea App,
Cataract App
Metrics App.
Unravelling the Anterior segment OCT images
As the base of the ANTERION® platform, the Imaging App focuses on high-resolution imaging of the entire anterior section, from the front surface of the eye to the back surface of the lens. It gives clear and impressive swept-source OCT pictures that help confirm changes in the front part of the eye and make evaluation and follow-up more accurate and reliable.
This program lets you see different problems in the front part of the eye and check on the effects of surgeries like keratoplasty, inserted IOLs, and corneal rings. A thorough view of the cornea, ciliary body, and rectus muscles also helps doctors determine what’s wrong with these body parts and treat them.
Corneal OCT imaging, Tomography maps and wavefront analysis
The ANTERION® Cornea App is a complete testing tool for figuring out the shape of a patient’s cornea. Diagnose or keep an eye on changes in the cornea to help plan and evaluate corrective surgery. Combine high-resolution OCT pictures with corneal measurements for a full assessment, including maps of the slope and elevation of the anterior and posterior corneal areas. Total corneal power, pachymetry, and corneal wavefront analysis provide the precise information you need to make confident clinical judgments.
The Cornea app has different styles that let you change how diagnosis information is shown. Change from a single or multiple view to a comparison of both eyes or a follow-up plan with a study of the development.
Further to OCT imaging, an IR camera picture can measure both the pupil’s width and the eye’s thickness.
Toolbox for cataract surgery planning, Biometry and the vital IOL calculation
The ANTERION® Cataract App includes the eye analysis, lens thickness, the depth of the anterior chamber, and the axial length, the most critical biometry measures for planning cataract surgery. Even with thick cataracts, the improved swept-source OCT technology makes it possible to get exact measures and direct proof with high-resolution pictures.
The ability to measure total corneal power makes it easier to choose the right IOL, and the spherical and toric IOL tool makes the pre-operative process easier.
With excellent, high-resolution OCT pictures from the front of the eye to the back of the lens, the Cataract App lets you see how the whole anterior section looks. Seeing images that are so clear helps doctors plan surgeries with great accuracy.
All round anterior chamber OCT imaging and angle metrics
The ANTERION® Metrics App has swept-source OCT pictures that are very clear and show the anterior chamber in a peripheral view.
High-resolution OCT pictures are used to make accurate measurements. Find angle factors that have already been set or take readings by hand that are tailored to the clinical case. The Metrics App has more than just the most popular factors. It also has the anterior chamber volume, lens width, and vault.
The measures App has the most important anterior chamber measures, such as anterior chamber depth, AOD, TISA, ACA, distance, spur-to-spur distance, central corneal width, and white-to-white. Show facts about ACA, AOD, and TISA in a 360° graph.
The ANTERION Metrics App can easily find the scleral spur, a critical anatomical point in the anterior section. This lets many biological factors be automatically calculated and shown. With solid identification of the scleral spurs, processes can be improved, and the anterior chamber’s parameters can be more accurate.