Best rated Eye surgeon in Punjab with 7,500+ Five Star Patient reviews
Experience best patient care services & affordable eye treatment from most trusted eye doctors & Surgeons at the Eye department for Max Hospital, Bathinda, Punjab.
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My name is Akashdeep Singh. I just got my smile pro laser surgery from max hospital by kashish Gupta. My eye surgery was very well and I got my vision correct by the surgery I can see properly and my vision is improved. The staff of this hospital was very friendly and good. They took a lot a care of me and provided me proper guidance. I am very thankful of doctor kashish Gupta and his team for my surgery. I will recommend people if they want do to their lasir surgery.
Well, it was a commendable experience for me . I was welcomed pleasantly by the entire staff.. My special thanks to Dr. Kashish gupta , he managed to remov all my discomfort after dealing with me he answered all my queries and did everything efficiently and professionally. Thankyou to the entire team. I will definitely recommend their services .